A slot is a narrow opening that has a particular grammatical function. It can fit any morpheme sequence, and is often used in the singular. A slot can also be an interior opening, as in an airplane’s copy desk, occupied by the chief copy editor. In aviation, a slot is a design feature that opens along the leading edge of an aircraft’s wing to increase airflow. The verb slotte is a synonym of the word slot.
A slot is a term that describes the opening of a computer processor. The original slot was introduced by the Intel Corporation in 1997. In 1999, AMD released the Slot A processor, which is not compatible with the original. In 1998, Intel introduced the Slot 2, which was a larger slot for Pentium II processors. Today, slot processors are rarely used in new computers. Instead, they are replaced by sockets. The word slot is a noun that means “to fit,” not “to take.”
A slot is a hole or a narrow opening in a machine. In aviation, a slot allows more planes to enter an airport. A coin is required to dial a number. Another common example of a slot is an ATM. The machine requires a coin to operate. If a phone machine has slots, a person can simply insert a credit card to make a payment or use the machine. There are many other examples of slots, and you may find them in your daily life.